
bobo lore and backstory!!
bobo was orphaned at the gate of a tiny magic school in a little town very young
bobo born with very high aether sensitivity and allegean eye so her magic is very good. even after shadowbringers she probably never realised it was the allegean eye specifically since that would destroy the plot. For the sake of her having the blood please assume some catboy made fantasias canon and became a lala at some point
grew up happy, if not a little lonely. things changed when she was 8 when bandits ransacked her school and killed her main caretaker. bobo kind of snaps and her magic goes haywire and burns a lot of the building so she gets scared and runs off. hides out in a forest when she cant run anymore and kind of ambles through nearby towns doing little jobs for food.
(she probably didnt hurt many people in the end and probably wasnt that hated or anything, but she can work that out some other time)
scared of her power, she probably walking into the first dodgy fortuneteller type shop she saw and asked for some magic sealing magic while crying and they just. drew shit on her face with shitty tattoo ink thatll fade in a few years. it doesnt work but she thinks it looks cool and fees safer w it
she kept up her magic w a healing focus (and summoning for. friends) to not hurt people anymore, finds out about adventures guild as option to make both friends and money, and game start!
what this means for ur wol:
bobo is very sweet and powerful but lonely and scared of heself. can and will immidiatley latch onto anyone nice to her and consider them big sibling/parent figures. bobo Lov a hug!!! shes very open but never really talks about why shes so strong to the other scions ect from fear and to prevent plot breaking
bobo is cheerful and silly and generally a very happy kid when nothings going wrong. loooves attention and being doted on w hugs and stuff.
hobbies wise bobo likes to do arts & crafts, garden, sing and mess around on instruments!! likes playing with plushies. a lot
bobo like. shes 9 without school. only knows magic shes not very bright. she has no idea how to read a map and is very bad with money. she, now having all the money of the realm’s champion after being poor forever, is singlehandedly saving limsas economy by spending every single gil on pointless shit. the scions have taught her how to read and write very slowly by 5.3, though! just dont ask her to do any maths.
BOBO GLAMS click for bigger
BOBO FACTS REGARDING PLOT spaced out for expansions, spoilers in here
🧸 arr
went Bonkers at joining scions since little family house is all she wanted and will gladly do any of their boring tasks. cant decide if shes more scared of primals or that she can easily kill them.
🧸 post ARR(including crystal tower)
probably had an arm wrestling match with moenbryda where moen just went oh no!! the warrior of light is too powerful!! and gently destroyed her after humoring her for two mins. bobos still sad about it.
bobo went bonkers meeting graha since!! same eyes! but they probably never got time to sit and talk about it properly. bobo signifigantly less scared of her own eye after matchin w him!! still very sad about crystal tower.
understandably miserable the whole leadup to HW but loves ishgard eventually!! loves count edmond and super loves hauchefant as big bro. still going thru it mentally. alphanaud is winning the race of closest-thing-bobo-has-to-real-sibling. probably asked aymeric at their dinner party if hed kissed estinien yet (you know how kids do this about anyone) and (aymeric takes a long sip of tea)
damn stormblood rly doesnt lend itself well to wol development but bobolove lyse and alisaie!!!
🧸shadowbringers (spoilers up to 5.3)
bobo Hated leadup where everyone drops off to the first since she finally has a family and (everyone peaces out) but trusts exarch immidiatley even when she knows she probbaly shouldnt. she believes exarch when he says hes not graha but like. the big bro energy persists. she lov exarch.
loves il mheg and rhinfillia and constantly goes back to first to play with her and gaia, with very complicated feelings about emet. deep down really cares about him but like. shes very small hes kinda scary. LOVES ARDBERT!!! still uses the azem rock as a worry stone in her pocket.
probably cried for hours straight at both initial graha reveal and even More at getting him home. probably finally had the conversation about bobo having allegaen eye and . both of them sitting there in uncomfortable relisation bobo probably could have busted graha out or helped with soul stone and any time and neither of them thought to. grahas probably noticed theyd be like, semi actually related instead of just sibling dynamic but i dunno if they woulda talked about it yet
they play a lot together now they can!!! between graha, alphy and urianger bobo can probably read and write pretty well by now. tataru tried teaching bobo maths and she doesnt want to try again
tierlist of what bobo considers each npc!! click for bigger
im boggie!!!! i like to draw and pick leaves off the ground
24/aussie/ she/her /lesbian !!
im neurodivergent and have x2 chronic illness if i reply slow ill get there i just need extra time sometimes..!! i lov talkin tho!
i type w a lotta capital letters keysmashes and !!! <- these i cant spell what they are since im autism and idk how else. to word my excitement. i am usually excited
DNF if u are a bigot bastard of any kind. no ableism or typing reeee or whatever unless u want a (gentle and long) talking to in ur dms and neither of us want that. also sure fiction is different for everyone but if ur a stranger and u only post horny visually very underage kids ect i am extremely not very inclined to smash that follow button
A'vocado Fhresh

A'vocado Fhresh
26 | he/him | 182cm | gay | mixed tribe
suncat dad (A tribe) and mooncat mom )
visually fully keeper of the moon, virtually no visual suncat features but likes waking up early
_________personal details________
gentle and a little quiet, A'vocado Fhresh is an entirely regular guy with no echo or notable fighting prowess. hes just a guy!
a little slow to open up, but very caring and a little crass when he does. has most friends just call him a'vo, and family/anyone who's close enough to be family voca! probably only every got called vocado when he was in trouble as a kid by his mom.
his names totally normal until they add avocados to the game dont worry about it
speaks very bluntly to everyone, with very casual language. swears like a friendly aussie. cannot lie to save his life and has no poker face. initiates casual contact w friends pretty often, usually the one to start a hug or slap someones back affectionately.
pretty educated for the average eorzean, his mom and dad were nerds. can confidently read and write, and pretty good at maths.
his hobbies are gardening, reading (adventure fiction, myths, folklore, kids books) and woodwork. good at cooking, but not super into it. Really loves singing+music but has no formal training .bobos helping him learn!! hes Very embarrassed about singing infront of anyone else. but he will sing to plants while we works.
HES A SAP!!! he wouldnt tell anyone but hes a hopeless romantic. whatever the level of shitty grocery store romance novels is in eorzea he reads it. hasnt ever dated anyone before since he was the only gay in his hometown and he didnt move out until recently
Had a regular happy home life with his fun nerd parents in gridania, aimed to be a full-time botanist, didnt make enough money at botanists guild and didnt get along with anyone in his hometown, so moved to limsa to see if they had any work. gave up and signed up at retainer's guild assuming itd be a temporary thing. lol. please refer to bottom section for full backstory since it ties into wolship
just before shadowbringers starts, bobo realised she might not be able to get to get home for a while and that someone would need to look after her house and plants, so went up to limsa retainer desk and just asked for someone very nice. it worked out!
he likes being a retainer (as much as hes greatful for his first employer being very nice) and bobo just lets him live at her house when hes not out working, so hes very happy! had no idea why a nine year old hired him until she said she was a scion, and promptly lost his own shit when figuring out she was like, The warrior of light.
post SHB with bobo home more, hes working hard and they are getting along very well!!! hes in no hurry to change job, and bobo lets him study with her at the botanist's guild she learnt at sometimes, so hes very well off
(has spoilers up till shb patch 5.3)
bobogi bobo: somewhere between employer, dear friend, little sister and hero, a'vocado and bobo care for eachother like family! he worries about her a lot when she goes on her duties, but hes endlessly supportive. always thought he'd be a gushing mess meeting the wol since he grew up on too many hero stories, but got very used to it since bobo is. just funny little kid. probably cries his eyes out whenever she explains particular hardships though. calls her bobo like everyone else, sometimes just bo, and she calls him voca!
Scions: (collectively) hasnt met many past them coming over to hang out with bobo, but thinks they are all very cool and gets along well! gets along best with alisaie (they talk shit over board games) graha (fellow gay bard nerd cat who he would kiss if not for the wonders of wol shipping) and y'shtola (distinguished older cat w gay vibes that he can get fun facts with)
--------------WOLSHIP W SENA--------------
sena is nates wol!!!! here he is
avo and sena grew up together in gridania since they were both very small!! they both got bullied for various reasons so stuck together all the way into adulthood with pretty much just eachother.
sena's dad went missing right before the calamity set in so sena left town to try and find him before the end, reluctantly leaving avo behind. after the calamity being averted and the years going on with no contact from sena, avo assumed he'd died and stayed living at home on the of chance hed somehow show up one day.
avo fell into a depression fueled rebellious phase where he worked out to cope and beat up anyone left in town who talked badly about either him or sena. between this and making shitty money doing odd jobs for the botanists guild hed keep this up for about 5 years, managing better as time goes on. around stormblood's start he checks out limsa for like a week w idea of moving there for work and gets back home to a message from sena who ran through their hometown really quick between wol duties to say he was alive and that hed be in better contact after the oncoming war.
avo, pissed at both of their own bad timing and relieved that he could hope again starts to really plan finding work in limsa. by the time hed have enough savings and contacted whatever botany jobs were around it would be around 4.4, getting hired by bobo as a retainer!! bobo would have intentionally hired him very close to the start of shadowbringers, and sena naturally wouldnt have had time to visit avo's home again since. shadowbringers. #justwolthings
all the way after 5.0 bobo has a wol friend over to her house while avos home, its sena! i drew this as a comic but he is equal parts the happiest hes ever been and just. oh lord my closest friend was a warrior of light all along
after working out what eachother had even been doing over the years (sena going straight from dad hunt to wol stuff to finally finding his dad mid stormblood and then getting isekai'd) they hang out all they can, both catching up with eachother's parents, taking little trips together.
they both get a violent case of oh-no-my-best-friend-got-hot and fall for each other fairly quickly. hee hee yearning while keepin up a lifetime of casual touches
sena and bobo would leave again for a bit to do 5.1-5.3, avo talking to them both over linkshell while they are in the first. he sure cant go
sena comes back home with his body all messed up and his axe arm barely usable and avo just kind of breaks from stress and confesses by mistake while they comfort each other. once things calm down they be datin!!
avo, being Very Tired of the wols in his life being in danger while he just sits around as an npc, takes up archery! hed have goal of bard since hed wanna support the others + loves music, but hed probably be the in universe equivilent of a lvl 69 base class archer while he worked up the guts to sing a gay little song. bobo'd just give him her bard job stone as a present since she wouldnt give a shit about it ~choosing someone~ shed want avo to have it! hes not a high enough level to go with sena or bobo for big fights but hes much more comfortable able to be near them in fights!
avo would still largely live with bobo in her house, but spend most nights at senas. catboys who liiive togetherrr (crying)
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